[X-SESSION] Top of Mind: Creative Strategies for eLearning Marketing and Outreach
Session Type
X-Session Workshop (In-Person)

Date & Time
Thursday, April 22, 2021, 11:45 AM - 2:45 PM
Session Currently Live
Session Materials (If available)
Technology is changing. Are your outreach methods? If marketing your eLearning narration business has you frozen in your tracks, join us for a fun and interactive session where you'll come away with a new lease on outreach. By the end of the session, you'll have a new, inspired strategy for getting and staying in contact with existing and potential eLearning clients. Google account recommended utilizing some of the tools we'll be using.
- Learn to wow potential clients with creative outreach they'll be happy to receive
- Learn how to do "cold" outreach you can feel good about (without the fear and dread)
- Learn to mine your existing network(s) for client relationships
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